Yoked Partners

Your website needs to be blazing fast, hacker-proof, completely optimized, and easily located from anywhere on the globe. That’s why here at Yoked, we only partner with the best of breeds in infrastructure, caching, security, content delivery, marketing technology, and performance analytics. Check them out below and you’ll see why!

So, Who’s Who?

We thought it’d be valuable to give you the inside scoop on our industry. I mean, how often do agencies show you what’s behind the curtain and share their knowledge? Here are some of the most innovative players on the Internet. Below is some pretty neat technology that we use at Yoked.

Scroll down if interested, but you’ve been warned- Geeks only!

GooglE Cloud Platform (IAAS)

Google Cloud Platform provides a reliable and highly scalable cloud computing services for you. These services help us compute, store data, and build, test, and deploy your site. Google’s backend is simple and easy to manage.

Amazon web services (IAAS)

Amazon Web Services is flexible, reliable, scalable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective. We specifically use AWS’ infrastructure for our Enterprise brands and customers that require fully redundant, high available (HA) solutions. 

Stackpath (Content Delivery Network)

StackPath provides secure edge computing which reduces latency by 60% and improves your caching hit ratio to 80% with their CDN. They have 45 edge locations, so with one click, the whole world is your availability zone. 

Cloudflare (CDN, DDos mitigation, WAF)

Cloudflare, Inc. is a web-infrastructure and website-security company, providing content-delivery-network services, DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and DNS services.

Fastly (Content delivery network)

Fastly is also a CDN. Now traditionally, CDNs require you to upload content directly to distributed servers. Fastly, on the other hand, fetches and stores content from origin servers in caches on a by-request basis. By using this method, Fastly doesn’t need cache full copies of servers in POPs resulting in faster content transmission.

Let's Encrypt (Security/SSLs)

Let’s Encrypt is a global Certificate Authority (CA). This lets you obtain, renew, and manage SSL/TLS certificates. Websites need this certificate to enable secure HTTPS connections. This is verified by the lock icon next to the URL.

Cool. Why Does This Even Matter?

1. BBC reported that they lose roughly 10% of potential users for every extra second it takes for their site to load.

2. Amazon also reportedly loses 1% of their sales for every 100 milliseconds of delay on their site.

3. Google reports that an average page load time of 2 seconds = 9.61% bounce rate. This impacts ad revenue, checkouts, SEO, and etc. What’s your page load speed?

Already Know The Details Of Your Project?

Go ahead and tell what you have in mind! We’ll set up a time to chat so we can talk through all your ideas and concerns.

Even if you’re not 100% sure, let us know what you’re thinking. We’re here to help! Now let’s get to it.